Docker for Fun and Profit

Pittsburgh TechFest 2015


Let’s be honest for a second. Containers are the slick new way to deploy, and Docker is the most recognizable name in containers to date. Everyone knows that Docker containers ease deployment by including dependencies inside the image, but is that all we can gain? Absolutely not! We’ll talk about how to get started building your own Docker containers and other uses for containers we’ve found convenient or helpful when integrating this sweet new technology into our environment!


Kubernetes: Sailing a Sea of Containers

Ohio Linuxfest 2015


Containers are everywhere these days. Many of us are containerizing our applications to take advantage of the ease of a single artifact, but what can we do to make deploying these containers to a fleet of servers easier? Kubernetes is arguably the most popular container orchestration system to date. Kubernetes was born out of a decade of research at Google and has seen success; by itself as a fantastic way to orchestrate containers across multiple machines and as a component in other platforms.

This talk will begin with the anatomy and setup of a Kubernetes cluster. We’ll demonstrate (live) taking a container containing a simple web service and launch our application into a small Kubernetes cluster. Next we’ll perform a rolling update to deploy a new container version with zero downtime. Also, we’ll check out some cool debugging features Kubernetes provides over the course of our demo.


Coming Out Of Your Shell - A Comparison of *Nix Shells

Pittsburgh TechFest 2016


Plenty of individuals have used the bash shell on Linux, Mac, or perhaps even a Cygwin environment. Many Linux and Mac developers are comfortable enough with bash to get our work accomplished, but perhaps there are alternatives that may make our command line work easier, faster, or more satisfying with features or characteristics that could be a better fit for how you work. This talk will take a high-level look at the features of the bash shell alongside zsh, fish, and more to give listeners an idea of where they might start when coming out of their shell.


Hey! There’s OCaml In My Rust

Rust Belt Rust 2016


OCaml is a language that has seen what few languages have seen– a resurgence. Several recent tools and language compilers have been built using OCaml, and Rust’s original compiler rustboot can be counted among these many excellent projects. Did you know that OCaml and ML’s influence on Rust reaches beyond that first compiler? Absolutely! The influence of OCaml and ML can be seen in Rust’s language features, syntax, and more. This talk will take a brief look at OCaml and Rust’s history. We’ll also investigate how OCaml and ML has and continues to influence Rust’s development by comparing and contrasting code samples, looking at past design discussions, and more.
